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Journey Between Lives – JBL

A New Leaf Hypnosis now offers Journey Between Lives (JBL) Hypnotherapy Galaxy Life Between LivesRegressions

What Is Journey Between Lives Hypnotherapy?

Journey Between Lives hypnotherapy, was pioneered by Michael Newton, and you can read his fascinating books, including Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls and Memories of the Afterlife.  My introduction to Journey Between Lives hypnotherapy began when a client spontaneously regressed to the soul realm during a Past Life Hypnotherapy Session.  I think I was more surprised than she was, but that session is what peaked my interest and started my research and practice of these incredible sessions.

What You Can Expect During Your Session

It should first be said that these sessions can last up to 5 hours, and the average length is 4 hours.  I also recommend that clients experience a Past Life Regression session before attempting a Life Between Lives session.  After rather lengthy deepening process, the Journey Between Lives session will begin with a brief review of a past life.  An important aspect of this past life experience is the experience of the death scene, which will lead us to the soul's life between lives in the spiritual realm. Your experience will be unique and yet share remarkable similarities to the experiences of others.  During a typical Journey Between Lives session, clients will often meet their spirit guide and their soul group members. Often clients learn why they choose their current body and life circumstances.  My clients find this experience to be life changing, as they will never look at life or death in the same way again. Old haunting questions are often put to rest and clients find new meaning and purpose in their lives.

Past Life Regressions are also available.

For more information on Past Life Regression and Journey Between Lives, please visit my website pastlifebetweenlivesvb.com which is dedicated to these subjects.

A New Leaf Hypnotherapy
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Community Solutions

5752 Princess Anne Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462

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